“Uncle James Classroom” On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Service
“Uncle James Classroom” provides on-site pre-school rehabilitation services for children with special educational needs (SEN) in our nursery. Comprehensive training and counseling will be provided by social workers, speech therapists, occupational therapists and special child care workers for SEN children. Meanwhile, they will provide professional advice to our teachers, and provide supports to parents so that they can nurture SEN children with positive attitude and effective skills.
Social Work Service
Stationing social work service has been provided by a social worker from “To Kids with Love” of S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Home at our nursery since 2019. The social worker mainly supports our children, parents and teachers. She organises different developmental groups such as social groups, emotion management groups, concentration groups and problem solving groups etc. for children, which let children learn and grow in a relaxed and pleasant environment through activities, games and interactive learning. With the cultivation of professional social worker, we hope that they could become children with self-confidence and self-love.
Our social worker also talks to parents through phone to know more about the needs of parents and children’s condition, and organises talks for parents and teachers.
Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Students
In order to support non-Chinese speaking children effectively, we provide Chinese language learning group for them .They learn through peer interaction, games and role-playing, so as to enhance their learning interest in Chinese and help them to adapt to campus life.